Race 1 - Class 5-B - 1400M

Race Time: 13:45

Stakes: RM 18000

Finish Time: 1:24.6

Trainer I Ismadi was fined RM1,000/- for failing to ensure that the vaccination status                (EHV) was current for ROCK N ROLL (KC Tham) in terms of  MRA Regulation 20.3 as read with MRA Regulation 20.6.   ROCK N ROLL was withdrawn by order of the Stewards at 12.46pm.   

LITTLE MASTER (F Yap) was slow to begin.  Trainer R Lines was advised to work on the gelding’s barrier manners.

MODRIC (SU Lim) was obliged to race wide on the turn.

Shortly after passing the winning post, POWEFUL DRAGON (App WW Cheah) rolled inwards, crowding LEEDSTHEWAY (App Z Ahmad).  App WW Cheah, in the presence of his Employing Trainer, Trainer R Lines, was shown the video of the incident and warned to exercise more care in future.

Jockey SU Lim, the rider of MODRIC, reported that his mount was not striding out freely.  A post-race veterinary examination of MODRIC revealed no obvious abnormality

The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that STAR EFFECT (S Salee) and POWERFUL DRAGON returned, both having cast their off hind plate.

PlacingHorseRiderTimeDistance [length(s)]
1stGOLDEN SHOWY Aify1:24.6
2ndBIG POWERApp R Nuqman3 ½

Race 2 - Class 5-A - 1400M

Race Time: 14:15

Stakes: RM 22000

Finish Time: 1:24.5

ALWRICH, a course scratching as it had sustained a swollen near fore tendon, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

Approaching the 1200M-mark, PONTIANAK (App S Sia) and LION CONQUEROR (SU Lim) which were shifting in, made contact. 

CHERISH (HS Gill) was obliged to race wide on the turn.

At approximately the 600M-mark, LION CONQUEROR commenced to give ground.  Jockey SU Lim reported that his mount was not striding out freely.  A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the gelding returned lame off fore and as such, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.  

App S Sia, the rider of PONTIANAK, reported that his mount was not striding out freely.  A post-race veterinary examination of PONTIANAK revealed no obvious abnormality

The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that EL PRIMERO (App R Nuqman) bled and will be barred from racing for a period of three (3) months under MRA Rule 92(3)(a)&(b) and thereafter will be required to pass a bleeder’s test before being declared to race again.

A post-race veterinary examination of UNLIMITED STAR (App Clyde Leck) revealed no obvious abnormality.

PlacingHorseRiderTimeDistance [length(s)]
1stSUNNY STARS Ruzaini1:24.5
2ndQIJI LOVEHow YangHead
3rdTWILL GUYAM Aizat2 ¼

Race 3 - Class 4-A - 1400M

Race Time: 14:45

Stakes: RM 35500

Finish Time: 1:23.7

MAGIC SEVENTY TWO, a course scratching as it had fever, will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

Jockey S Zuilfikri was fined RM500/- for negligence under MRA Rule 152(5)(a) for failing to make the carded weight on DISCRETELY RED.  The Stewards permitted Jockey L De Souza to replace him as the rider of DISCRETELY RED.

DISCRETELY RED jumped awkwardly outwards, inconveniencing BIG BUS                      (App Z Syafifie).

GEORGETOWN (App SN Shiva) jumped awkwardly outwards, inconveniencing RAGNAR   (S Ruzaini).

XANTHOS (AK Lim) was obliged to race wide on the turn.

A post-race veterinary examination revealed that XANTHOS returned with dorsal displacement of soft palate and epiglottis entrapment and as such, will be required to undergo corrective surgery and thereafter pass a test (1000M/vet examination) before being declared to race again.

The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that RAGNAR returned having cast its off hind plate.

PlacingHorseRiderTimeDistance [length(s)]

Race 4 - Class 4-A - 1100M

Race Time: 15:15

Stakes: RM 35500

Finish Time: 1:04.3

DRONE and OUR DYNAMITE are both course scratching.  DRONE had sustained a bruised near fore foot and OUR DYNAMITE was tied up.  Each will be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

WAHASH which was down 17kgs in body weight since its last run, was checked by the Club Veterinary Surgeon prior to the race and was passed fit to start.

At approximately the 300M-mark, Jockey HS Gill, the rider of TALENTED, dropped his whip.  He was fined RM1,000/- for negligence under MRA Rule / Regulation 152(5)(a).

A post-race veterinary examination of WAHASH (S Zulfikri) revealed no obvious abnormality.

The gelding, which raced poorly, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

A post-race veterinary examination of ZERO TO HERO (CC Foo) revealed no obvious abnormality, however, the gelding returned having cast its off hind plate. 

PlacingHorseRiderTimeDistance [length(s)]
1stRONALDO’S DREAMApp Z Ahmad1:04.3

Race 5 - Class TJCOTC - 1700M

Race Time: 15:45

Stakes: RM 50000

Finish Time: 1:44.0

Jockey S Zullfikri was fined RM500/- for negligence under MRA Rule 152(5)(a) for failing to make the carded weight on NEVERTHELESS.  The Stewards permitted Jockey AM Aizat to replace him as the rider of NEVERTHELESS.

At approximately the 1600M-mark,   NEVERTHELESS was crowded and had to steady, losing some ground.

LEGEND WAR (SU Lim) shifted out in the latter stages.

An objection was lodged after the race by App Clyde Leck, the rider of SEMANTAN PRINCE, first past the post, in the presence of his Acting Master, Trainer S Dunderdale, against LEGEND WAR (SU Lim), the dead-heat partner, on grounds of interference in the latter stages of the race.  After considering the evidence and viewing the video, the Racing Stewards were of the opinion that the alleged interference had not affected the result of the race. The objection was overruled and the result stood.

The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that NEVERTHELESS returned having cast its off fore and off hind plates.

PlacingHorseRiderTimeDistance [length(s)]
1stSEMANTAN PRINCEApp Clyde Leck1:44.0
1stLEGEND WARSU LimDead heat

Race 6 - Class 5-A - 1700M

Race Time: 16:15

Stakes: RM 22000

Finish Time: 1:43.4

This race was re-scheduled to start at 4.20pm due to the objection in Race 5.

MR DUJARDIN and SUCCESS STREET, both course scratching as they had sustained a corn off fore foot and a sole bruise near fore respectively, will each be required to pass a veterinary examination before being declared to race again.

TARZAN (How Yang) and SHA NA NA (App S Sia) were both slow to start.

Jockey How Yang, the rider of TARZAN, reported that his mount was not striding out freely.  A post-race veterinary examination of TARZAN which raced poorly revealed no obvious abnormality.  Taking into consideration TARZAN’s previous run on 23rd July 2022, the Stewards suspended TARZAN in terms of MRA Rule 117(3) for inconsistent running, for a period of one month (until 31st August 2022) and thereafter, until it passes a test (1000M/vet).                                   

PlacingHorseRiderTimeDistance [length(s)]
1stSUPREME JUSTICEL De Souza1:43.4
3rdSHA NA NAApp S Sia3
4thMAZANZES Ruzaini1

Race 7 - Class 5-A - 1200M

Race Time: 16:45

Stakes: RM 22000

Finish Time: 1:11.4

This race was re-scheduled to start at 4.50pm.

Emergency acceptor, LUKE MAN was withdrawn due to a capacity field

Trainer K Ananthen was fined RM250/- for negligence under MRA Rule 152(5)(a) for failing to declare the removal of tongue-tie from DRAGON SANDS (KC Tham) within the stipulated time.

DRAGON SANDS could not be boxed, delaying the start.  In view of its previous history, the Stewards suspended DRAGON SANDS for a period of one (1) month (until 31st August 2022) and thereafter until it passes two (2) starting stall tests at consecutive weekly intervals.

D’GREAT STRIKE (AK Lim), STARDICE (S Salee) and INVICTUS WARRIOR (HS Gill) were all slow into stride.

STARDICE was obliged to race wide at the turn.

The Club Veterinary Surgeon reported that MATILDA (App Clyde Leck) returned having cast its near fore plate, LOUEY VELOCE (App Z Syafifie) returned having cast its near hind plate and PULAU PINANG (Y Aify) returned having cast its off hind plate.

PlacingHorseRiderTimeDistance [length(s)]
1stBALL AND CHAINS Ruzaini1:11.4
2ndBATTLESTARApp Z Ahmad1 ¾
4thLOUEY VELOCEApp Z Syafifie ½

Race 8 - Class 5-B - 1200M

Race Time: 17:15

Stakes: RM 18000

Finish Time: 1:11.8

PENANG MAN (App R Nuqman) was slow into stride.

SONG RIVER (Y Aify) was inconvenienced at the start when buffeted between D’GREAT EMPRESS (AM Aizat) and SECKILL (App A Azizi).

At approximately the 1200M-mark, Jockey HS Gill, the rider of NEVERUNCONDITIONAL, stopped riding as he felt something amiss.  A post-race veterinary examination of the gelding revealed no obvious abnormality.  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (SU Lim) shifted out from the whip in the latter stages.  Jockey SU Lim was warned that in future, he must make a greater effort to keep his mounts on a straight course.

App A Azizi, the rider of SECKILL, reported that his mount was making abnormal respiratory noises.  A post-race veterinary examination of SECKILL revealed that the gelding returned with respiratory distress and as such, will be required to pass a test (1000M/vet) before being declared to race again.

App R Nuqman, the rider of PENANG MAN, reported that his mount was not striding out freely.  A post-race veterinary examination of PENANG MAN revealed no obvious abnormality.

PlacingHorseRiderTimeDistance [length(s)]
1stMY MONEYApp S Sia1:11.8


RACE 7  (R902)  CLASS 5(B) – 1400M

At the conclusion of an Inquiry today (31st July 2022), App AR Aiman, the rider of TRAVIS, in the presence of his Employing Trainer, Trainer B Ng, was found guilty to a charge under MRA Rule 44(8) punishable under MRA Rule 44(8)(a) for failing to take all reasonable and permissible measures to ensure that TRAVIS was given full opportunity of winning or of obtaining the best possible placing.

The details of the charge are that:

  • Having had a good jump, he shortly thereafter took hold of his mount and shifted out, crossing and interfering with D’GREAT MAGIC (AK Lim);
  • He then continued to restrain his mount, resulting in it being placed last from the 800M-mark until the 300M-mark which was contrary to instructions and resulting in his mount being unable to race to its best advantage;

     (iii)   He raced 3 wide on the turn and again took hold of his mount at the 300M-mark and thereafter when his mount was starting to run on, he shifted in behind other runners at the 100M-mark.

In assessing the penalty, the Stipendiary Stewards took into account App AR Aiman’s riding records and mitigating factors.   He was disqualified from riding in races for a period of one (1) year with effect from Sunday, 31st July 2022 and to expire on Sunday, 30th July 2023, both dates inclusive.   In addition, App AR Aiman was fined the sum of RM30,000/-.  (Malaysian Ringgit: Thirty Thousand Only).  He was informed of his right of appeal (12:50pm).




RaceHorse(s)Test(s) ImposedRemarks
2ALWRICHVet examination
2EL PRIMEROBleeder’s test (3 months)
2LION CONQUEROR1000M & vet examination
3MAGIC SEVENTY TWOVet examination
3XANTHOSCorrective surgery, there- after 1000M & vet examination
4DRONE & OUR DYNAMITEVet examination each
4WAHASH1000M & vet examination
6MR DUJARDIN & SUCCESS STREETVet examination each
6TARZAN1000M & vet examination (after 1 month embargo)
7DRAGON SANDS2 starting stall tests (at consecutive weekly intervals after 1 month embargo)
8SECKILL1000M & vet examination




Name of LicenseeHorse nameDate of Fine imposedFine amount (RM)MRA Rule/Regulation
R1Trainer I IsmadiROCK N ROLL31/07/221,000/-20.3 as read with 20.6
R3Jockey S ZulfikriDISCRETELY RED31/07/22500/-152(5)(a)
R4Jockey HS GillTALENTED31/07/221,000/-152(5)(a)
R5Jockey  S ZulfikriNEVERTHELESS31/07/22500/-152(5)(a)
R7Trainer K AnanthenDRAGON SANDS31/07/22250/-152(5)(a)



App AR AimanTRAVIS31/07/2230,000/-44(8) as read with 44(8)(a)
Suspension Nil

(PNTC, 30/07/2022)

App AR Aiman (TRAVIS) – disqualified for 1 year under MRA Rule 44(8) as read with MRA Rule 44(8)(a).