Covid-19 Announcement

Reference is made to the Penang State Health Department Coronavirus (COVID-19) 14 Days Moving Chart published on 5th August 2021 that Penang Turf Club is one of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) locality where four(4) syces from the Lower Stable complex and the New 116 Stable complex have tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) on 5th August 2021.

Following the inspection carried out by the Ministry of Health’s officers and in order to curb the further spread of the infection, Penang Turf Club has implemented the following measures.

  • All the stablehands/workers were advised to immediately go for a Covid-19 screening. Penang Turf Club’s trainers’ names and contact numbers have been furnished to the officers. The Ministry of Health’s officers will in turn contact them for all their employees’ names and contact numbers for screening/swabbing purposes.
  • Penang Turf Club has sterilized the entire stables area.

The closure and sealing of the said stables are effective from 5th August 2021 until further notice. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused. Penang Turf Club adheres strictly to the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health advisory announcements.